Medications errors prevention and its role in patient safety management

Document Type : Review Article


1 Faculty of Pharmacy

2 Faculty in oral and Dental Medicine

3 Faculty of pharmacy Sinai University

4 College of health sciences


Patients are at high risk for injury or death every day because of medication errors.
Organized and systematic tactics to improve tasks, technology, environment and organizational culture associated with medication system are required for patient safety.
Method: we review medication error reporting system in last three months in general ward of hospital X.
Conclusion: Reporting system and reviewing and correcting causes that leads to ME may help to prevent ME, specially that reach patient. (Near miss)
It reveals that incidence of ME is decreased and especially ME that cause patient harm.
Within hospital, areas of medication ordering, dispensing, administrative should be well known.
Possibility for error that might occur during use of medication administration devices (e.g. infusion pumps) should be well known by nurse (6).
Pharmacists should self-check or double check with other pharmacist in reading prescriptions, labeling and dosage calculations.


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