Quality standards implementation for the improvement of outpatients clinics services in tertiary hospitals in Port Said city

Document Type : Research project


1 pharmacist

2 Physical specialist-El hayah hospital

3 Dermatologist-elmansoura

4 Anesthesiologist-Alzohour hospital

5 Family medicine specialist

6 ICU nurse and member of quality team in Portsaid general hospital


The identity of beneficial pleasant standars implementation for development of outpatients clinics offerings in tertiary hospitals in portsaid town Quality development tasks and research aimed toward making nice adjustments in fitness care strategies to effecting favorable effects Physicians, nurses, technicians, and bosses are growing the effectiveness of affected person care and reducing prices in pathology laboratories, pharmacies, and blood banks via way of means of making use of the equal principles.The necessity for pleasant and protection development projects permeates fitness care. Quality fitness care is described as “the diploma to which fitness offerings for people and populations growth the probability of preferred fitness effects and are regular with modern-day expert knowledge.According to the Institute of Medicine (IOM) report, To Err Is Human ,four the bulk of clinical mistakes end result from defective structures and strategies, now no longer people. Processes which can be inefficient and variable, converting case blend of patients, fitness insurance, variations in issuer schooling and experience, and sever a different elements make a contribution to the complexity of fitness care. With this in mind, the IOM additionally asserted that today’s fitness care enterprise features at a decrease stage than it could and should, and it placed forth the subsequent six objectives of fitness care: effective, safe, affected person-centered, timely, efficient, and equitable. The objectives of effectiveness and protection are focused via manner-of-care measures


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