Comparison between intravenous carbetocen and rectal misopristole as prophylaxis for postpartum hemorrhage in lower segment caesarean section among low-risk patients.

Document Type : Research project


1 Resident of obstetrics & gynecology At obstetrics and gynecology hospital in port said

2 Obstetric and gynecology faculty of medicine port said university, Port Said ,Egypt


Background: Post-Partum hemorrhage is a noteworthy reason for mother death in emerging nations, and the primary driver of mother demise around the world, virtually all fatalities coming about pph happen inside initial 24 hours after birth. Most of these could be stayed away by using prophylactic uterotonics during third phase of parturition, by ideal, fitting administration.
Aim: To realize which medication had more viable as prophylaxis of P.P.H Carbetocin or misoprostol in elective lower segment cesarean segment.
Materials and Methods: This randomized controlled study eligible 100 low risk patients 50 women received 1 ampoule of carbetocin diluted with 100 ml distilled water and received iv after delivery of baby .patient in group b the received two tablet misoprostol rectaly after insertion of urinary catheter directly before sterilizing the patient during lower segment CS.
Result: notice significanc different in atony of uterus during surgery in patients received rectal misoprostol than patients received IV carbetocin {15 (30%) versus 5 (10%) P-value.012}, respectively. and the necissity for transfused blood {23 (46%) versus 9 (18) P-value.003 necissity for another uterotonic medications was static significant higher on misoprostol group{32 (64%) vs 15 (30%) P-value.001} , different on HGB and hct measure after born higher in misoprostol group with high statistic significant { 9.08 ± 0.72 vs 10.01 ± 0.75, P-value: <0.0001} { 29.26 ± 2.13 vs 32.56 ± 2.33, P-value <0.001}.
Conclusion: IV of 100 ug carbetocin minimized bleeding during CS than 400 ug misoprostol per rectum.


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