Facts & Figures | |
Number of Volumes | 21 |
Number of Issues | 21 |
Number of Articles | 201 |
Article View | 39,658 |
PDF Download | 62,022 |
View Per Article | 197.3 |
PDF Download Per Article | 308.57 |
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Medicine Updates journal Port Said (MUJPS) is a double-blind peer review journal published quarterly-annually. Authors are invited to submit their work on any topic of wide spectrum coverage including; medicine, surgery, public health, and epidemiology. Submission of articles is on understanding that the articles have not been previously published in any other form and is not accepted for publication elsewhere.
The journal reserves the right to edit all the manuscript for its style and space requirements and for purpose of clarity. The Editorial Board reserves the right to make the final decision for publication.
Four original copies of the entire manuscript should be submitted to Port Said University journal of medicine.
Faculty of Medicine Port Said University
Address: 23 December street- Elzhoor- port-said governorate- Egypt.
Fax: 066/3670320
E-mail: dean@med.psu.edu.eg, Vice_dean_postgraduate@med.psu.edu.eg
Pages 1-23
Maha Elgayar; Amany Awad; Farid Badria; Ahmed State; Noha Ashour; Manar Sallam
Pages 24-37
Naglaa Hamed Fadel; Islam Ali Elsayed; Dina Mostafa; Fatima Al-Taher Taha Morsi
Pages 38-49
Norhan Yousry Elbolkiny; Mamdouh Morsy Abdel-gawad; Moustafa Mohamed Ghonaim; Mohamed Elsayed Mashaly
Pages 50-64
Adel Ali Hassan; Shimaa Abd El-Satar Shalaby; Karim Ali Awad; Tamer Abdelsalam
Pages 65-75
Adel Ali Hassan; Manal SE Farmawy; Mohamed Samir Abdelrahman; Adel Risk Botros
Pages 76-92
Nihal Sharaf Eldin; Nesreen Farouk Ibrahim; Nesrine Saad Farrag; Enas Ibrahim Elsheikh
Pages 93-108
Nesrine Saad Farag; Yomna Ashraf Lashean; Youssef Elaiashy; Dina Elbayaa; Nesreen F. Ibrahim